Bolujem od kroničnog bronhitisa, da mi barem daju kakvu kamp-kućicu, meni bi to bio hotel. Ovdje nije za živjeti, kućica je stara dvjesto godina, svakodnevno je jedu crvi ? u suzama govori baka Jelena. ...
Khirad. kesmarn. bito. Congratulations to all 3 of you. I already know the colour that kes would prefer, so Khirad and bito, please let me know which colours as soon as possible at so that I can arrange it with AdLib to organize the shipping for your mugs to you. ... The man has only been in office for a few months, why on earth is his planned vacation well earned when the rest of the population is inching closer day by day to total destitution? ...
Australians will be familiar with Ray White Real Estate, but probably not familiar with the fact that they just decided to roll out BI to 5000 of its sales agents to track kpi's and view sales reports via a browser using Tableau. ...